Occupational Healthcare

Clock Grey
Mon – Fri

07:00 – 20:00

Sat – Sun

08:00 – 16:00

Public Holidays

08:00 – 16:00


011 918 8611


103 North Rand Rd, Boksburg, 1459, South Africa



Occupational Healthcare

This service consists of conducting pre-employment, annual and exit medical examinations, together with compiling reports and submission of relevant non-confidential information to the Human Resources Department pertaining to the status of the patient if fit/unfit for work.

Occupational Health also looks into medical surveillance, health and safety, counseling services, absenteeism management, health awareness campaigns and member education.

Medicare 24 makes it our objective to render an Occupational Health Service that does not only address these national concerns, but that assists each client based on their unique requirements to reach the goal of a work environment for employees where the culture of prevention is adopted and lived by each employee every day.

An effective culture of prevention requires that employees work safely. Their duties, not to endanger their health and safety or that of others must be endorsed and managed by the employer. Workers must have the right to participate in Occupational Health and Safety through elected representatives and committees to greater transparency and accountability of all levels of staff working on the premises.

The participation must occur within a structure in which the employer guarantees workers their basic rights: the right to know, the right to be trained and the right to withdraw from dangerous situations in the workplace.

The two laws regulating the compensation of workers for occupational accidents and diseases are the Compensation for Occupational Disease and Injuries Act 138 of 1973 (COIDA) and the Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act 78 of 1973 (ODMWA). COIDA provides a statutory “no fault “compensation system for employees who contract work-related illnesses or are injured or killed in occupational accidents.

Medicare 24 offers the treatment and administration of COID Claims and injury on duty related services as part of our service offering to all our clients.


Elements of Occupational Healthcare

  • Education
  • Health Risk Assessments
  • Medical Surveillance
  • Disability Management
  • Emergency Care
  • Absenteeism Management

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