Primary Healthcare

Mon – Fri
07:00 – 20:00
Sat – Sun
08:00 – 16:00
Public Holidays
08:00 – 16:00

011 918 8611

103 North Rand Rd, Boksburg, 1459, South Africa
Primary Healthcare
We establish, implement and maintain Primary Health Care Clinics.
Primary Health Care pertains to preventative care services that have to be rendered on a sustainable and easily accessible basis. All Medicare24 Clinics operate according to the needs and requirements of the specific client.
Primary Health Care makes use of medical care as a first line of treatment. The main focus of Primary Health Care is health screening and early diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. It is the primary phase before hospitalisation and specialist care. Primary Health Care covers 85% of most common illnesses.
Primary health care is a public health strategy derived from the social model of health and is based on the philosophy that health gains are better obtained when people’s basic needs are met first.
The fundamental principles of primary health care at the operational level are unique to the specific circumstances or system. Thus the underlying social determinants on ill-health such as access to basic living conditions, unemployment, etc are important factors to consider in the primary health care strategy.
The strength of primary health care is to respond to the local needs of individuals, families and populations through a comprehensive, inter-sectorial approach that focuses on communities as the unit of intervention. In essence, primary health care provides a connection between health and health care, by linking this to social and economic systems.
The principles of the primary health care approach include equity in health service delivery, access to affordable and appropriate services, empowerment of people, and sustainability of service provision.

Elements of Primary Healthcare
- Education
- Nutrition
- Prevention of Endemic Diseases
- Water & Sanitation
- Maternal & Child Health
- Immunization